Солидарность в действии

Сот­ни писем про­те­ста уже посту­пи­ли на офи­ци­аль­ные адре­са струк­тур  Казах­ста­на в знак соли­дар­но­сти с наши­ми това­ри­ща­ми. С раз­ных угол­ков мира соци­аль­ные и поли­ти­че­ские акти­ви­сты, чле­ны Коми­те­та за рабо­чий интер­на­ци­о­нал выска­зы­ва­ют свои воз­му­ще­ния про­тив пер­во­май­ско­го про­из­во­ла вла­стей, попы­ток суди­лищ над наши­ми товарищами.

Пред­ла­га­ем Ваше­му вни­ма­нию неко­то­рые из них:

About the police harassment on the 1 May demostration

We strongly protest for the continuous harassments and police violence against opposition activists in Kazakhstan. The incident that took place during the May Day demonstration in Almaty is totally outrageous. The police attacked peaceful demonstrators whose only crime was that they held red flags. Their attack resulted the injury of Ainur Kurmanov and Bakhytgul Ukteshbaeva.

Ainur Kurmanov had to be hospitalised because he was diagnosed as suffering from concussion, with bruises to his face and skull.  A group of policemen and officers of the KNB, went to the hospital. Firstly they tried to pressurize the doctor to change his diagnosis, to say he had not been hurt and then they started pressing mr Kurmanov to admit that he had organized an “unsanctioned protest”.
On May 2, the trial of Dmitry Tikhonov began. He is charged with organizing the “unsanctioned protest”, besides the fact that he participated in an official event organized by the authorities.
We demand:

1. An end to police harassment and violence against opposition activists
2. Charges against Dmitry Tikhonov to be dropped
3. No charges against Ainur Kurmanov
4. A public enquiry into the violent attack on the peaceful protesters.

Protest sent to Embassy

I sent the following protest the Kazakhstan Embassy in London today. If I get a reply I will forward onto you.
Yours fraternally
R Bishop

‘I wish to protest at the state police brutal attacks on the May Day march in Almaty, Kazakhstan. It appears there was an attack on opposition activists and especially those of the Socialist Resistance organisation. Their crime? Unfolding Red Flags. So, not satisfied with refusing their request to organise a May Day march/rally, when they join the ‘offical’ march they are attacked by the police. This brings disgrace on the authorities and on Kazakhstan. Those who carried out this undemocratic action should be brought to account, an independent enquiry held and charges dropped against those arrested. I await your prompt reply.’

Letter of protest regarding Ainur Kurmanov

I am writing on behalf of Socialismo Revolucionario (Committee for a Worker’s International- Venezuela) to express our protest and disgust at the recent attack on Ainur Kurmanov, Bakhytgul Ukteshbaeva and many others during recent May Day demonstrations in Almaty. 

While participating in a peaceful events they were brutally attacked by police for doing nothing more than preparing their flags for the same demonstration.  We are outraged to hear that, as well as being hospitalized with concussion and bruising, Ainur is also subject to being charged with organising an ‘unsanctioned’ protest and may also face 15 days in prison.  This is of course despite the fact he was participated in what was actually a state sanctioned event.

We demand an immediate end to the continued harassment of Ainur, Bakhytgul and all opposition activists, including those involved in Kazakhstan 2012 as well as those participating and organising the ‘Leave people’s homes alone’ campaign.

We also support the following demands-
An end to police harassment and violence against opposition activists
Charges against Dmitry Tikhonov to be dropped
No charges against Ainur Kurmanov
A public enquiry into the violent attack on the peaceful protesters.
Stop the attacks on the newspapers “Respublika” and “Vremya”

Your sincerely,
Denise Dudley
On behalf of Socialismo Revolucionario Venezuela.


I am becoming increasingly alarmed at the harrassment and repression being shown in your country to those who disapprove of the actions of your governmenmt.
I would specifically like to address the following;
1. That police harassment of peaceful demonstrations be stopped immediately. Anyone should be able to peacefully protest at actions they deem to be unfair. the repression shown towards oppositionists is a sign of the weakness and unpopularity of your government and you should heed their views.
In addition I would refer to the continuing harassment of Ainur Kurmanov who has organised countless demonstrations against government policy and in defence of ordinary people. He has great respect amongst the people yet you continue to harass and frequently jail him. He was badly beaten on the May Day demonstration and was even harassed when he was in hospital and the police tried to pressurise the doctor to change his diagnosis to hide any allegations of police brutaslity. There should be a thorough investigation into the policing of the May Day demonstration resulting in the dismissal; and prosecution of anyone found to be acting violently.
Ainuir and Kazakhstan 2012 we allowed onto the official demonstration and were not organiosing an unsanctioned demonstration. Therefore this charge should be dropped
2. I note that the trial of Dmitry Tikhonov has now started. This is a purely political trial and should be dropped.
3. You government clearly fears the press being able to facilitate opposition to your dictatorial rule and as a consequence has attacked the newspapers ‘Republikka’ and ‘Vremya’. In the interests of freedom of speech I would request that this be stopped and that these newspapers be able to publish truthful articles even if they do not meet with the approval of the Kazakhstan government.
4. Workers across the world are being made to pay for the greed and incompetence opf the private owners of industry. The recession created by the banking crisis is being used as an excuse to reduce the share of the wealth that goes to workers. People fighting job and wage cuts in your country are being sacked and your government does northing to defend them. Nobody shouldf be sacked for defending their pay and their jobs. Your country’s laws should be amended to guarantee immunity from dismissal for workers protesting at pay ad job cuts
5. Your country could be immeasurably more prosperous if the oil and gas industries were not owned by greedy private sector owners. I would therefore request the nationalisation of these sectors under democratic workers control and management.
6. Finally I would like to express my suopport for the broad aims and principles espoused by Kazakhstan 2012
Birmingham, UK

Источ­ник: www.socialismkz.info,
полу­че­но с помо­щью rss-farm.ru

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Соли­дар­ность в действии

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